Networking Dinner – Jan 2020
We’re absolutely delighted to announce CHN’s first event of the year.
It is a networking event at Bombay Palace on January 23rd. Among the many items includes a high profile speaker, vegetarian buffet, and a free soft drink all thrown in by CHN! As well as networking, we will discuss plans on mentoring, ‘getting to CEO’, Sewa, events for the year, getting onwards and upwards. We will explain our ambitions for the year ahead the organisation we will be working with including United Nations, Oxford City Hindus Network and major City institutions – plus career advice, mentoring, entrepreneurship. And of course networking!
Tickets can be purchased through our Event Registration page →
We will also be supporting at the event with a ‘swab drive’ the campaign.
We look forward to seeing you there at what will be a great networking event with some excellent speakers and updates on all our planned work and events for the year ahead.